1on1mail is a "Rolls Royce" email service.
If you just want the best then its 1on1mail.
Here are just some of the benefits.
Read on for more information.

  • Guaranteed delivery
  • Totally secure
  • Impregnable Privacy
  • Tracks mail to point of delivery
  • Notifies you when mail has been read
  • Send secure documents instantly
  • Guaranteed Spam free

    Read on about reliability

    Why would anyone use 1on1Mail?
    Because 5% of ordinary email bounces and 1% of ordinary email just gets lost altogether. 1on1mail is a fault-tolerant service with built in redundancy. If one mailserver is down (and it happens) another immediately picks up the burden. If you want to know that your email, will definitely arrive then you want to upgrade to 1on1mail. But there is more.

    Right now, anyone in the world can intercept and read your e-mail and its attachments. With 1on1mail -- and only 1on1mail -- your mail and its attachments are guaranteed to be read only by the people for whom they're intended. Whether it's a love note, a comment about your boss or a businessplan, do you want to share that or keep it private?

    How is 1on1Mail more private than ordinary email?

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